June 29, 2024
June 29, 2024 Special Meeting
June 11, 2024
May 21, 2024
April 9, 2024 Public Hearing April 9, 2024
March 17, 2024 Special Meeting
March 12, 2024
February 13, 2024
Special Meeting Jan 23, 2024
January 9, 2024
轻蜂加速器使用方法 November 14, 2024
September 12, 2024
Public Hearing Sept 12, 2024
August 8, 2024
Monthly Calendar
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
K-3 Bell Schedule
4-5 Bell Schedule
6-8 Bell Schedule
K-3 Early Bell Schedule
4-5 Early Bell Schedule
6-8 Early Bell Schedule
SAFE Enrollment Forms
Physical Forms
Field Trip Forms
*Common Core
*GAFE school
*Free breakfast and lunch for ALL Students
*Social/Emotional Counselor
*School Resource Officer
*SAFE~Free after school care until 6:00 PM-snack and supper served
*1:1 Technology devices for every student
*Transitional Kindergarten program
*Extended Transitional Kindergarten
*Small Class Sizes
*Instructional aides in all K-3 classrooms
*French Creek Outdoor School
*Six Sports Programs
*Ski/Snowboarding Program
*College Exploration/Tours
*College Options
*Career Fair
*Job Shadowing
*Student/Community Involvement
*Art Exhibitions
*History Day
*Multicultural Months
*Science Fair
*Class Field Trips
*Quarterly Family Awards nights
*Parent Workshops
*Specialized instruction in all subject areas
*Cooking classes
*Quarterly Cub Character Events
*After School Enrichment classes
*School-wide assemblies
*Community Projects
*Professional Development for all staff
Math- K-5 Everyday Math and 6-8- CA Math
ELA- K-2 SFA 3-5 Benchmark 6-8 Amplify
~Please feel free to call and set up an appointment for a campus tour or to talk to the Principal about WES~
Donavan Bocanegra |
Benny Brunelle |
Samantha Weidner |
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Aarionna Swango |
James Downer |
Kylie McIntyre |
Anayia Murrell |
Goal 1: Weed Elementary School will promote and provide a positive, healthy, safe and inviting learning environment that encourages student, staff, parent and community involvement.
Goal 2: Weed Elementary School will provide a broad course of study to reflect individual students’ academic and social achievement, enhancing understanding among all students by providing a diverse educational experience including relevant enrichment activities.
Goal 3: Weed Elementary School will provide challenging and appropriate educational programs with quality materials to support teacher delivery of engaging, Common Core aligned instructional lessons.
July 25, 2024
Dear WUESD Families and Community,
You may have heard the announcement that students at Mount Shasta Elementary and Sisson will begin the year online, with potential for in-person “learning hubs.” This message is to provide you with an update on Weed Elementary School and our district’s priorities and to request some input from you.
Weed Elementary School is committed to resume in-person instruction at our school campus at the start of the school year on August 24, 2024. We are doing everything we can so that all students have the opportunity to safely resume in-person learning, and so that we will have the safe return of students, teachers, and staff to our school. In addition, preparations for our distance learning program (an option for families if they choose) are taking place and the program will be ready to begin at the start of the school year.
To assist us in our planning process, please take a few moments to take the following survey:
Weed Union Elementary School District staff will continue to monitor the guidance and requirements being updated by the Governor’s office, California Department of Public Health, and the Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency in order for all of us to return to our school in August.
Again, thank you for your understanding as we process the high volume of changing information. Our priority continues to be in providing a high-quality education, the health and safety of our students and staff and providing the social interaction our students so desire. The uncertainty of these times makes it necessary to remain flexible while also maintaining a steadfast commitment to doing whatever we can in our student’s best interests.
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Jon Ray
W.E.S.'s kindergarten registration is open so, If you would like to get a jump start registering your child for the 2024-2021 school year, please call Ms. Terry at 530-408-8345 and she can mail you a registration packet or you can download our kindergarten registration packet. Please call us with any questions you might have or if you would like any help in this process.
Staff Directory
Chromebook Agreement
Technology Support Form or 530-408-0545
EL/Spanish Support 530-408-6707
W.E.S. staff is so proud and honored to work along side our parents and students during this time. W.E.S. parents and students are doing a great job and are absolutely amazing! Together we can do anything!
What’s Happening
As we round out a very unique and special school year at Weed Elementary, we want to thank each and every one of you: families, students, staff and board members for hanging in there through the difficult times and showing true Cub Character with your perseverance. We look forward to seeing you next year – although we are still waiting to hear what exactly next year will look like, we are confident that our Cubs can handle it with the loving support of our staff and families! Please check our website throughout the summer for pertinent updates for our next school year. At this point in time, we are looking to begin on August 24th. Have a fantastic summer!
Congratulations to our 2024 – 2021 SBA officers
President - David Rivera
Vice President - Arely Yerena
Treasurer - Samuel Cervantes
We would like to thank a group of special staff who will be leaving us this year:
Ms. Dillon Mr. Miller
Mrs. Cummings Mr. Lynch
Miss Kassidy Mr. Benton
You each have made a special impact on WES and we are so grateful for your years of service to our community. We wish each of you all the best in your future endeavors and we will miss you!!
A BIG thank you to Weed Grocery Outlet for donating paper grocery sacks so our cafeteria crew could distribute meals out to our families! Thank you for your continued support!
Spring Pictures have been delivered to Weed Elementary School. We will be distributing these when Chrome Books are returned this week.
Here is the Jostens Yearbook Virtual Signing Link:
Each person sets up their own yearbook signing account. You can choose your own end date, based on how long you want to give people to sign your yearbook, since you will just be printing it out yourselves.
Cool Cub Moments
Mrs. Quigley:
A cool cub moment for me was when I went to cheer on the high school graduates on Main Street and saw a couple of our middle school students there. We maintained social distancing, but it was good to actually see each other face to face.
Cub Character Focus
Honesty is a willingness to say openly what is known to be true. willingness to say openly what is known to be true.
怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网8th Grade Graduation Drive By Presentation of Diploma. Space is limited to 1 car per family
June 11 Virtual Board Meeting 7pm
We, at Weed Elementary School, believe that it is our responsibility to provide quality educational programs which foster significant academic achievement for ALL students in a safe environment characterized by mutual respect and acceptance of the individual differences.
WUESD is committed to providing an educational environment that supports, encourages, and challenges each student and staff to strive for academic excellence, mutual respect and responsible citizenship.
All meetings are in the Library and begin at 5:00 pm
October 10, 2024
December 12, 2024
April 9, 2024
May 20, 2024
October 10, 2024-
No Quorum
December 12, 2024
February 13, 2024
May 14, 2024
Birthdays This Summer
Jakobe Holmes, Ricky Vega, Mayson Aquila, Dennis Stephens, Karter Wilson, Kevin Galindo, Oliver Coombs, Romeo Ransom, Bryana Burch, Christian Galindo, Logan Bowles, Joshua Lewis, Serenity Morris, Bentley Dominguez, Alayja Oliver, Savanna Linse, Caleb Tate, Diego Bocanegra
Staff Birthdays
Joy Borra-Croft, Maria Sharp, Jen Kephart, Jack Leiffer, Cheryl Watson, Nancy Quigley
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Staff Birthdays
Darci Moe, Annie Peterson, Alisa Cummings, Kim Roe
Adam Vaquera, Brooklyn Robinson, Jacqulyn Culbertson Handshy, Ella Riley, Johnny Millan, Jimena Ceballos, Dorian Malitz, Eugene Robinson, Mailey Stoddard, Darren Pineda, Angelina Russo, Sasha Vang, Ariana Wetherby, Jaylen Thomas, Ahmani Collins, Bianca Gilson, Lauren Bowles, Aminety Mcgee
Staff Birthdays
Rachel Oates, Justin Robles, Amanda Hawks, Dana Dillon
Happy Birthday to you ALL!
Congratulations to Ms. Jaegel for being selected by the community as the #1 teacher in South Siskiyou County. Weed Elementary School is proud of you!